Russia_Ukraine War

Russia_Ukraine War

The latest news about the war between Russia and Ukraine is that the United States has been conducting a joint mission in Kiev to help calm things down. Although the US hasn’t stated what their role is, there’s plenty of speculation that they might help with an “independent investigation” into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, who appeared on Russian-linked ads, according to Fox News.

Putin says he will not allow any one to take his country too seriously. This seems like it could be because Donald Trump won the election that day. Now, Russia and Ukraine seem like they could be at an impasse in their relations. Even though President Putin’s government claims that Russian military troops are stationed inside Crimea, many people think their position isn’t very solid.

The UK and Russia have been pretty close for a while. The UK even sent nuclear weapons to Britain during World War II, which led to Russia blaming them and claiming they were responsible for bombing cities in Europe. The world has never seen anything like this before, so it seems strange that Russia would use another weapon against its own citizens when it had already declared war.

Putin has claimed that there’s no military issue at all, but that doesn’t mean that things aren’t changing. He’s got a lot of new navy ships that Russia was used to having access to, along with huge amounts of weaponry, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia tried to increase that number if it didn’t get enough support from other countries. If you look closer at the history of wars, you see that the biggest thing in the past that brought two big countries together is the end of WW1. WW1 ended because of Germany’s refusal to accept German sovereignty, and the allies didn’t want to lose that control either. The allies wanted to protect France’s interests, but Poland, England, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary didn’t want to do that, and as well as their leaders not wanting to make that choice, Hitler also refused to sign treaty. These two major powers saw that the Allies, especially Germany, weren’t willing to share their power without being taken out of Europe. So Hitler decided to attack France instead.

When the Allied forces took over, Poland and Czechoslovakia were under Soviet control. While Hitler and Stalin believed their actions were justified, the British and Americans believed that it was wrong, and rightfully so. That meant that Germany lost World War I. And then Hitler got rid of the USSR. But during WWII, both countries did everything possible to keep communism in Europe, allowing Hitler and Trotsky to attack them separately. It turned out that Hitler attacked first, and the Soviets attacked later. Hitler was able to win by invading Russia, but then Stalin took control of the eastern European nations, including Czechoslovakia.

After the Second World War, many countries split off, and since Russia and Britain were allied in WW1, Hitler felt as though they should split up further. In fact, Hitler thought they should join forces, and fight against each other. They saw this as dangerous and wanted to create a whole new army. Hitler wanted more than just a large nation, however, he wanted something that could change the way that Jews were treated and discriminated against. He wanted to eliminate Jewish religion completely, and they would only worship in their homes.

There were many differences between Poland and Germany, though, and these differences caused much friction between both nations. A few days after WWII ended, Poland found out that German U-boats had sunk thousands of their fellow sailors, forcing a bloody sea battle as the two sides fought each other back and forth. Then Hitler decided to send his troops northward before attacking Poland from German submarines. However, Russia decided to intervene over Germany’s territory and send General Yekaterinburg to crush the Nazis. In fact, Hitler decided to build ships called flakboats. Those flakboats became known as Panzerkriegs, and Hitler then went ahead and built those ships on their own.

The next morning after General Zaroff landed in Warsaw, Poland, the Russians began to bombard the city, forcing Hitler to retreat. When Hitler returned to London, he said he wanted to unite nations so that everyone could live in peace and harmony, but the Poles said they were still against this idea as they made a compromise, allowing Hitler to leave their country and go to war with the Allies instead. Churchill even said to Hitler, “You are responsible for the death of six million men. We can put millions more lives back to work.”

This brought the United States into WW2, and the Allies couldn’t figure out why. As soon as Hitler left Russia, the Germans started building their own army out of coal, bringing Hitler and the Russians to an end. Though Hitler was killed on April 8th 1945, some historians claim that the Allies could possibly defeat Hitler in 1945. However, Hitler wasn’t defeated by anyone at the end, as he himself died shortly after.

So how exactly does Russia feel about the war? According to Politico, the Kremlin says that they don’t care about the outcome because their main objective is to preserve their national security. Many experts agree, saying that it helps that the Trump administration has actually been quite quiet regarding the situation and hasn’t been involved in anything. That’s right, the United States has nothing to do with this war whatsoever. Yet, Trump has stated numerous times during this election that Russia would pay very high to stop him from taking office, and has even threatened to pull out of the country.

It’s hard to say if Putin's statement and threats are true. Many experts believe that Putin is telling the truth because he wants to continue to have influence over the rest of the world, and to do that, he needs to ensure that the United States is contained. For example, in the 2000 election, Vladimir Putin sent Russian spy services to Ukraine and China to try and find information about their elections. With Trump threatening to kick out the US from the world stage, Russia needs to prove that it wants to be involved and to show the US that it will stand by them.



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